
Friday, May 6, 2016

Activity: Kids Science Labs

My neighborhood is lucky to house one of the raved about Kids Science Labs facilities.  On their site, the core of their purpose and value can be summarized as "exploring the fundamental questions they ask parents everyday (Why is the sky blue? How does TV work?). Every class starts with a question to explore and....focus(es) on guiding kids to find answers using...hands-on science."

I had heard a lot of positive things, but wasn't sure if my kids would like it; would be able to focus; or at what age it would be best.  But you can sign up for a free trail class. 

And if you know me at all, you know I am immediately drawn to the word free.  So I signed those boys right up.

When picking up the boys and announcing it was an ADvenTURE DaY! (this is meant to be sung, which is hard to translate on a blog, so just try to imagine, but I am not a good singer so that should be taken into consideration) they were excited and asked the usual: Where are we going? What are we doing?

I excitedly told them "We are going to Kids Science Labs!"
Their energy didn't match mine, so I forged ahead: "you will get to do some sort of experiment!  Maybe even with lava (lava is more important to them than candy).
While this perked up my oldest, my youngest was less than thrilled to learn I didn't get to take the class with them.

Regardless, moments after entering the class, they were paying rapt attention to the instructor and focused on their projects.  Both came out asking to come back.


  • This is a drop off class. That's right. For one hour and 15 minutes you are free to live your life with reckless abandon; without children.
  • There is a great waiting area with legos and magna tiles for the kids to play with before class.
  • The lab has a bright, industrial feel (see photos above)

Cost Savings:
I mentioned they have a trail class for free, right?  It's a great way to see if the kids will like it.
Warning: They will

South Loop / There are two locations downtown, we went to the South Loop
While public transit isn't ideal, you do receive a seasonal parking pass (free) to park in a nearby lot. Which is great as street parking there is brutal.

Kid's Jury: 5 stars
While I would love to take our kids to all the classes/sports possible, it just can't logistically happen, and when my older son is willing to give up a sport to start attending Kids Science Labs!  I love their enthusiasm and can't wait to get them enrolled!

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