
Saturday, February 25, 2017

Activity: Little Diner's Crew

If you like to try new restaurants, and struggle with how to involve your kids, then The Little Diner's Crew is for you!

The Little Diner's Crew is a new concept, providing a unique dining experience for kids and parents. As their site states, they hope to expose kids "to different types of foods...and learn about where their food comes from -- and how it's prepared."

We tested it out with our 6 year old and had a great time. The restaurant we visited (The Spanish Square) had a 3 course meal, a kitchen tour, kid-friendly Sangria (as mom enjoyed an adult version...or two), and even a little take home bag with a recipe to make your own (kid-friendly) Sangria at home!

How it works:

  1. Become a Member - information found here 
    • Membership fees are annual and only purchased for the kid participants.
    • Members receive a little passport booklet to get "stamped" at each restaurant.
  2. View the site for upcoming date and restaurant options.
  3. Pay online and have a great time!
    • Prices vary based on the restaurant / cuisine selected.


  • The owners couldn't be nicer or more welcoming (or more patient with my inquiries).
  • Kids are seated at one table; parents at another.
  • Cuisine is adjusted for kids palettes (ie, at the Indian Restaurant, they dialed down the spice, etc)
  • The estimated timeframe of our restaurant was two hours, which felt a bit daunting. Although I took along some Spain themed activities just in case, we didn't need them at all! The kids were entertained by the hosts, rating cards, and other activities.
    • Personal note: I did force my son to enjoy my fun facts on Spain when driving home, because, shoot, I put in the effort.
Cost Savings
Membership fee is discounted for more than one child.

Varies with each venue throughout the city.

Kid's Jury: 5 stars
I am thrilled this exists and can't wait for our family to eat our way through Chicago (and the global cuisine)!

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