
Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Annual Event: Chicago Dragon Boat Races

If you are wondering the best weekend to experience Chicago's Chinatown, my vote is the weekend of the Chicago Dragon Boat Races for Literacy.  We attend this every year and enjoy the races and overall ambience.

It's a great day to see the races and tour the Chinatown neighborhood! Just steps away is the Joy Yee restaurant for lunch, dinner, or try one of their huge smoothies!

If you missed the races this year, there is still plenty to see and do while in Chinatown.

< Enormous smoothie list equals the size of the smoothies. 

  • Located on the River, at Ping Tom Memorial Park.
  • The park has a nice playground and beautiful green space with Chinese-themed paths and bridges.
  • Cultural Performances take place throughout the day
  • Includes food trucks, neighborhood vendors/sponsors, and kids' activities
Cost Savings:

Access to the area is great: Red Line Cermak/Chinatown Stop; Numerous bus routes; and even the Chicago Water Taxi!

Kid's Jury: 5 stars
Every year is fun

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